After being at the fouth edition of NMSBA’s Neuromarketing World Forum we bring you a brief note of what we learned and saw there at Barcelona, Spain.
The good:
The organization timing and facilities of the event were great, but the event itself was the hit. Every conference and lecture was given by experts, and that’s the reason why #NMWF was not boring or hard to deal with in any moment. We didn’t want any of the lectures to end because we wanted to learn more from every speaker.
Another positive aspect of #NMWF was Networking due to many participants came from around the world, so it became a great oportunity to create alliances in order to continue our development in the sector.
The bad:
The bad side of #NMWF had nothing to do wit the event but with all the people that has to do with the neuromarkting sector.
There was little attendance from marketing agencies, media, social media and inbound marketing companies. Most of people there at #NMWF were researchers and people related to investigation. This is bad because it shows the opposition existing for innovation and improvement.
By being at the event we got to understand in a deeper way the benefits Neuromarketing can offer, however, if agencies keep opposing to these new technologies, there’s not much to do to make them grow.
The ugly:
The ugly and unfortunate side of #NMWF is that it lasted little. With 3 days of great lectures and conferences plus the extraordinary organization you just want the event to continue. The important thing is that there’s already a date and location set for the next #NMWF: April 6, 2016 at Dubai. (We surely must go!)
Do you believe that #Neuromarketing will continue growing? We’d love to hear from you.